Packages amsfonts, amssymb moved to the AMSFonts distribution

In version 1.2, support for the use of fonts in the AMSFonts distribution was moved out of the / distribution and into the AMSFonts distribution, where it more properly belong. This means the packages amsfonts, amssymb, euscript, and eufrak, as well as associated font definition files. Please note that certain Computer Modern fonts that were formerly found only[*]in the AMSFonts distribution are considered standard in LATEX2e: cmmib and cmbsy in sizes 5–9, and cmex in sizes 7–9. I.e., when you get a copy of LATEX2e (and you cannot use / otherwise), those fonts should be included. If they are not, please inquire to the source where you obtained LATEX2e. If you obtained LATEX2e from CTAN, you can get Metafont source files for those fonts in the directory /tex-archive/fonts/latex/mf.

As .fd files for those particular fonts are provided in the basic distribution, the AMSFonts distribution does not redundantly provide them.